Sync Firefox from the Command Line

There are lots of solutions for syncing Firefox, and I must confess I haven't used any of them. As I've read the descriptions, I've always gotten the sense that they wouldn't do what I wanted, the way I wanted it, when I wanted it. Necessity being the mother of invention, I wrote my own shell script to do what I needed.

Web Content Filtering with OpenDNS

Once in a while, you come across a gem that you just want to share with others. I recently stumbled upon OpenDNS, and I've had such a good experience with it, I thought I'd write a bit about it. For the record, I have no affiliation with OpenDNS, except that I'm a happy user of this free service.

Running vncserver on Fedora Core 10 with gdm

Fedora Core 10 introduces several new features, and as with all new releases, several new frustrations. In this how-to, I cover the steps needed to get vncserver up and running, so you can connect to your GNOME-based desktop.

Use netstat to See Internet Connections

Using netstat, you can monitor programs that are making connections to remote hosts: $ netstat -tpe The -t flag limits the output to show only TCP connections. The -p flag displays the PID and name of the program making the connection. The -e flag displays extra information, such as the user name under which each program is running.

Add a Binary Payload to your Shell Scripts

Generally when we think of shell scripts we think of editable text, but it's possible to add binary data to your shell script as well. In this case we're going to talk about adding a binary payload to the end of your shell script. Base: Creating basic databases and tables

When databases became available for the personal computer in the mid-1980s, they quickly gained a mystique as the ultimate productivity applications. Despite their widespread use, in some ways they have never lost that mystique -- so much so that many desktop users will stretch the use of spreadsheets to cumbersome lengths rather than consider setting up a database.

Is it Live? Or is it Chatbot::Eliza?

When we were in college, my wife (then, girlfriend) had the best answering machine greeting message, ever. When people called her, the answering machine would answer, “Hello?” and wait. Invariably, the caller would start talking as though they had actually reached a live person. They'd be talking about last weeks assignments, or a party next week. Then the other shoe would drop.

Create an Image Montage and a Corresponding HTML Area Map

As noted elsewhere Linux Journal turned 15 this month. Hopefully, you enjoyed viewing all our old covers. In the pursuit of the best way to display those covers my first prototype was rejected. Take a look at what didn't make the cut and read on to find out how it was created.

Python (pyuno) "Hello World" Addon for OpenOffice

In my last few posts about pyuno (SSConverter, OORunner) we used pyuno to convert spreadsheets to CSV files by running OpenOffice from Python using pyuno as the bridge between the two processes. In this post we're going to get inside OpenOffice and use pyuno as the bridge between OpenOffice and an embedded Python interpreter (embedded inside OpenOffice).

Ask the Experts: Accounting Software for Linux

Question: This is my first venture into Linux. I have most of what I need lined up except for some simple banking software. My credit union will send data in CSV and I need something that will update electronically like that. Suggestions? -- Marilee J. Layman

Add Your City To Linux's List of Time Zones

Ever feel like you're Rodney Dangerfield? You live someplace and Linux shows you no respect, time-zone-wise that is. What I mean is that you live somewhere that's not one of the time-zones that comes predefined with Linux. If that sounds like you, then read on and get Linux to show you a little respect.

Setup Postfix to Login to Your Email Account and Deliver Mail

Unless you're a sysadmin you don't generally have to worry that much about getting email delivered, you just hookup your GUI email client to your external email account and you're done. But what if your system tries to deliver mail, for example from cron? Normally, this just goes to root or perhaps some designated user on your syst

Season's Greetings Mass Mailer

In my last article for Linux Journal, ( I shared some of my New Year's Resolutions. One of those resolutions was to communicate more regularly with my friends and family. In this article, I'm going to describe one of the first steps I took toward making this happen.