Oops! Debugging Kernel Panics

A look into what causes kernel panics and some utilities to help gain more information. Working in a Linux environment, how often have you seen a kernel panic? When it happens, your system is left in a crippled state until you reboot it completely. And, even after you get your system back into a functional state, you're still left with the question: why? You may have no idea what happened or why it happened. Those questions can be answered though, and the following guide will help you root out the cause of some of the conditions that led to the original crash.

Digging Through the DevOps Arsenal: Introducing Ansible

If you need to deploy hundreds of server or client nodes in parallel, maybe on-premises or in the cloud, and you need to configure each and every single one of them, what do you do? How do you do it? Where do you even begin? Many configuration management frameworks exist to address most, if not all, of these questions and concerns. Ansible is one such framework.

Build a Versatile OpenStack Lab with Kolla

Hone your OpenStack skills with a full deployment in a single virtual machine. It's hard to go anywhere these days without hearing something about the urgent need to deploy on-premises cloud environments that are agile, flexible and don't cost an arm and a leg to build and maintain, but getting your hands on a real OpenStack cluster—the de facto standard—can be downright impossible.

Bash Shell Games: Let's Play Go Fish!

How to begin developing a computer version of the popular card game. Between the previous 163 columns I've written here in Linux Journal and the dozens of games I programmed and explored during the creation of my Wicked Cool Shell Scripts book, I've written a lot of Bash shell games. The challenge is to find one that's simple enough where a shell script will work, but isn't so simple that it ends up being only a half-dozen lines.

What Does It Take to Make a Kernel?

The kernel this. The kernel that. People often refer to one operating system's kernel or another without truly knowing what it does or how it works or what it takes to make one. What does it take to write a custom (and non-Linux) kernel?

Arduino from the Command Line: Break Free from the GUI with Git and Vim!

Love Arduino but hate the GUI? Try arduino-cli. In this article, I explore a new tool released by the Arduino team that can free you from the existing Java-based Arduino graphical user interface. This allows developers to use their preferred tools and workflow. And perhaps more important, it'll enable easier and deeper innovation into the Arduino toolchain itself.

An AI Wizard of Words

A look at using OpenAI's Generative Pretrained Transformer 2 (GPT-2) to generate text. It's probably fair to say that there's more than one person out there who is worried about some version of artificial intelligence, or AI, possibly in a robot body of some kind, taking people's jobs. Anything that is repetitive or easily described is considered fair game for a robot, so driving a car or working in a factory is fair game.

Python's Mypy--Advanced Usage

Mypy can check more than simple Python types. In my last article, I introduced Mypy, a package that enforces type checking in Python programs. Python itself is, and always will remain, a dynamically typed language. However, Python 3 supports "annotations", a feature that allows you to attach an object to variables, function parameters and function return values. These annotations are ignored by Python itself, but they can be used by external tools.

Getting Started with Rust: Working with Files and Doing File I/O

How to develop command-line utilities in Rust. This article demonstrates how to perform basic file and file I/O operations in Rust, and also introduces Rust's ownership concept and the Cargo tool. If you are seeing Rust code for the first time, this article should provide a pretty good idea of how Rust deals with files and file I/O, and if you've used Rust before, you still will appreciate the code examples in this article.

Breaking Up Apache Log Files for Analysis

Dave tackles analysis of the ugly Apache web server log. I know, in my last article I promised I'd jump back into the mail merge program I started building a while back. Since I'm having some hiccups with my web server, however, I'm going to claim editorial privilege and bump that yet again.

Knot DNS: One Tame and Sane Authoritative DNS Server

How to install and minimally configure Knot to act as your home lab's local domain master and slave servers. If you were a regular viewer of the original Saturday Night Live era, you will remember the Festrunks, two lewd but naïve Czech brothers who were self-described "wild and crazy guys!" For me, Gyorg and Yortuk (plus having my binomial handed to me by tests designed by a brilliant Czech professor at the local university's high-school mathematics contests) were the extent of my knowledge of the Czech Republic.

WebAuthn Web Authentication with YubiKey 5

A look at the recently released YubiKey 5 hardware authenticator series and how web authentication with the new WebAuthn API leverages devices like the YubiKey for painless website registration and strong user authentication.

Creating Linux Command-Line Tools in Clojure

Learn how the leiningen utility can help you manage your Clojure projects. This article is a gentle introduction to the Clojure Functional Programming language that is based on LISP, uses the Java JVM and has a handy REPL. And, as Clojure is based on LISP, be prepared to see lots of parentheses! Installing Clojure You can install Clojure on a Debian Linux machine by executing the following command as root or using sudo: