Weekend Reading: Cloud


The cloud has become synonymous with all things data storage. It additionally equates to the many web-centric services accessing that same back-end data storage, but the term also has evolved to mean so much more.

This weekend join us as we explore the cloud.

CloudWatch Is of the Devil, but I Must Use It

by Corey Quinn

Let's talk about Amazon CloudWatch.

Everything You Need to Know about the Cloud and Cloud Computing, Part I

by Petros Koutoupis

An in-depth breakdown of the technologies involved in making up the cloud and a survey of cloud-service providers.

Everything You Need to Know about the Cloud and Cloud Computing, Part II: Using the Cloud

by Petros Koutoupis

How to get started with AWS, install Apache, create an EFS volume and much more.

The Agony and the Ecstasy of Cloud Billing

by Corey Quinn

Cloud billing is inherently complex; it's not just you.

Nextcloud 13: How to Get Started and Why You Should

by Marco Fioretti

In its simplest form, the Nextcloud server is "just" a personal, free software alternative to services like Dropbox or iCloud. You can set it up so your files are always accessible via the internet, from wherever you are, and share them with your friends. However, Nextcloud can do so much more.

Simple Cloud Hardening

by Kyle Rankin

Apply a few basic hardening principles to secure your cloud environment.  

Vendor Lock-in: Now in the Cloud!

by Kyle Rankin

Vendor lock-in has moved from corporate infrastructure into the cloud, only this time many are all too happy to embrace it.

FOSS Project Spotlight: CloudMapper, an AWS Visualization Tool

by Scott Piper

Duo Security has released CloudMapper, an open-source tool for visualizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environments.

Carlie Fairchild is Linux Journal’s Publisher and guiding spirit. She’s been actively engaged in the Linux community for two decades and is responsible for setting the magazine’s overall direction. Carlie leads a motley team of geeks and journalists to ensure that Linux Journal stays true to its founding ideologies of personal freedom and open-source technical innovation. You can contact Carlie via e-mail, publisher@linuxjournal.com.

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