
Moving and Shaking in Techland

March 22nd is National Goof Off Day, and since we're usually busy goofing off, we figured the perfect way to celebrate was by doing a bit of work. We've rounded up a bundle of interesting news, full of moving and shaking, but no goofing off.

Microsoft Hits a New Low — Below the Belt

We have a lot of fun here on, bringing you the news and poking fun at companies like Microsoft — but it's always intended as journalism with a lighthearted twist. This time, though, we're not being silly, because the subject matter is too serious for laughing.

Bad Day for Microsoft, Good for Everyone Else

This may come as a surprise to our regular readers, but — gasp — it makes us giggle just a little bit when someone rains on Big Evil's parade. From the stories coming off the wire today, the weather in Redmond must be stormy with a chance of floods. We've got our Wellies on and an umbrella standing by, so let's jump right in.

What the Big Boys Have Been Up To

Some days are all about the Big Players — the multi-billion dollar businesses that seem to have their hands in everything. Yesterday wasn't quite one of those days but they certainly weren't on vacation either. Here's the scoop.

Yahocrosoft, Spam Go On, But Open Source Is Looking Up

It's that time again, ladies and gents, the dreaded Monday. And while we're sure very few of us are ready for the fun and frolicsome weekend to be over, we like to think Monday does have one benefit: fresh — if not somewhat snarky — news right here on Word has it that 70% of Americans are turning to the web for their news, and we're very glad to have them and everyone else who finds their way here. Should you happen to be one of the 30% rushing to keep from being left behind, welcome to our fold, have some of our delicious Penguin Kool-Aid, and buckle up 'cause here we go.

The Leap Day Laggers

It may not always be obvious, but every week we wade through thousands of stories, looking for the very best to bring you, our beloved readers. In the process, we always run across a few stories that we want to share, but just never seem to fit in with the rest of what we've found. As a special celebration of Leap Day, we're bringing you four of this week's important stories that just didn't run with the crowd.

Security Woes, Evil's Email, and MySpace Muggers

Today is that special day that only comes around once every four years: leap day. As everyone takes a moment to re-sync with the cosmos and celebrate the idiosyncrasies of the Gregorian Calendar, we here at Linux Journal are pressing on with reporting the latest and greatest happenings in the tech world.

Another Big Day for Big Evil

It seemed like last week was all about Microsoft, perhaps to the point of Empire burnout. However, you apparently can't keep a bad thing down, because they're back again, though I don't know that VH1 would say it's been the Best Week Ever.

Autohacking, OOXML, and Killer Robots Too!

Some days we laugh our way to the news desk with all the zany antics that come off the wire. Today is no different, so here's your morning helping of the interesting, intriguing, and downright inexplicable.

Lots to Learn in the Land of the Legal

Technology news comes in many flavors — product debuts, security revelations, acquisition antics, et cetera et cetera — but one of our very favorite is legal wrangling. Today's news is filled with items of interest from the legal side of the tracks, so lets get our wigs on and get rolling.

All the News That's Fit to Print

Now that the Microsoft tidal-wave is over, we're left wondering what else has gone on this week while we were all starting into the face of evil. Ever vigilant, we've scoured the online wire to find a treasure trove of juicy non-MS stories to share.

Big Evil Wants to Play Nice Now?

We know, we know, we've done enough Microsoft news this week, and we promise this will be the last one — February is a short month, and we have to get our quota in or the Boss'll take away our stapler. We couldn't pass up this opportunity, however, as it's the first time in history that the "Microsoft" and "Open Source" can appear in the same sentence without the phrase "desperately wants to crush."

A Busy Week in Takeover Land

It's a hard life in Redmond, what with all the people to crush, hostile takeovers to mastermind, and FUD to perpetuate. This week has been a busy one for everyone's favorite Evil-Empire-on-the-move, and we've got all the details of what's made the wire.