
Ubuntu 10.10 almost ready for you

Canonical announced the availability of the only release candidate and the last developmental release before the Meerkat goes gold. Ubuntu 10.10 is due for release on October 10.

OpenIndiana Picks up Where OpenSolaris Left off

For those disappointed by Oracle's decision to discontinue supporting a free version of its Solaris Unix-like operating system, a new alternative emerged to take its place. OpenIndiana is part of the Illumos Foundation.

PostgreSQL 9.0 Released

PostgreSQL version 9.0 was released yesterday (Sept 20th). The 9.0 version of PostgreSQL includes a number of important new features, more new features in fact than any previous release.

sidux changes to aptosid by upgrade or ISO

A press release dated September 11 came to the community's attention Monday, September 13 of the renaming or, as some reported, a fork of sidux to aptosid. Due to conflicts with the commercial backer of the Debian-based distribution, sidux developers have separated themselves from the Sidux e.V. association to continue developing aptosid on their own.

The Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud

Everybody likes talking about the weather. In the computer world that seems to mean talking about cloud computing. The latest cloud on the horizon is the Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud, announced yesterday (Sept 19th) at Oracle OpenWorld 2010.

More on Canonical's Contributions

Apparently still troubled over the backlash sparked by Dave Neary's report of top (and bottom) GNOME contributors given at July's GUADEC convention, Mark Shuttleworth, posted his "Reflections on Ubuntu, Canonical and the march to free software adoption." As I reporte

Debian Updates, Code Names, Back Ports, Screenshots, and Derived

Things have been anything but quiet on the Debian front lately. Between updating 5.0, naming 7.0, and officially approving backports this has been a busy week for Debian. In other related news, a popular distribution has released a version based on Debian while a Website helps users decide if they like the looks of potential applications.

Scary New Horror Adventure Available for Linux

The folks who brought the three-part Penumbra series to the Linux community now bring us another even more terrifying adventure. Amnesia: The Dark Descent follows Daniel as he confronts a sinister dark shadow in his quest to hunt and kill evil Alexander in order to save his own mind and life. Danger hides in every corner.

Two Popular Distributions Release Development Milestones

On Thurday, September 2 two leading Linux distributions released milestone developmental versions on the road to their next releases. OpenSUSE released Milestone 1 of 11.4 and Ubuntu released a beta of their upcoming 10.10, codenamed Maverick Meerkat, for developers and community testers. openSUSE 11.4 Milestone 1

Old Generals Never Die - They just Wear a Red Hat

The Red Hat board of directors announced a new chairman Monday, August 30, to replace outgoing Matthew Szulik. Henry Hugh Shelton, retired Special Forces general, has been serving on the board since 2003 after leaving the elite Army division.

As Predicted, OpenSolaris Board Disbands

When the OpenSolaris Governing Board issued their ultimatum to Oracle on July 12, few thought it would have the desired effect of saving OpenSolaris. The board sent a message that if Oracle didn't start to show some interest in OpenSolaris by August 23, they would disband and leave OpenSolaris without leadership and guidance.

Where do Debian Developers Come From?

In a study not likely to cause controversy, Christian Perrier has published the results of his analysis of the number of Debian developers per country. He ran the analysis last year for the first time, so one can see the progress or recession in the last year. No matter where you call home, the numbers are quite interesting.