Wanted: Passionate Geeks

If you love tinkering with your Linux machine, have ninja sysadmin skills, or are an avid user of open source software in general, and you love to share your knowledge with others, I'd really like to hear from you.

We're looking for a few more passionate techies to join our ranks as contributing LinuxJournal.com authors.  We're particularly interested in articles about System Administration, Linux on the desktop, high-performance computing, embedded Linux, web and mobile development, security, and virtualization.  If you have an interest in any of these areas, and useful knowledge to share, drop me a line.  We're always looking for great technical content as well as opinion pieces about the world of open-source software.

If you are interested in learning more about how to become a LinuxJournal.com author, please send a brief bio with links to a few samples of your writing.  Please also include a brief summary of your areas of interest and/or specific topics you'd like to write about.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Katherine Druckman, a self-described Drupal fangirl, is the Director of Digital Experience at Linux Journal. She’s an HTML-flinging, PHP-hacking ​webmistress by day, and a refined connoisseur of historic architecture and fine Chinese ceramics by night. She usually can be found surrounded by the charm of aging Texas buildings from the pioneer days or appreciating ceramics of the Song and Qing dynasties. You can contact Katherine by e-mail, webmaster@linuxjournal.com. 

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