Wanted - Free Software Enthusiasts in Puerto Rico

Imagine what Puerto Rico would be like, if free software could become a movement for social justice on the island. Well, on Tuesday, February 11th, 2014, the Institute for a Free Puerto Rico planted the seed for this movement. In honor of Aaron Swartz, and in conjunction with the world-wide campaign to end mass surveillance, the Institute is happy to announce the creation of the Libre Planet Puerto Rico team.
You probably already know this, but Puerto Rico is suffering through it’s worst economic period ever. With an eight year recession still gripping the island and unemployment over 15%, the Puerto Rican Government and businesses are struggling to remain relevant. Adding to our woes, recently Standards & Poor and Moodys downgraded Puerto Rico's bonds to junk status.
What if you could find a community that was focused on empowering Puerto Ricans to work together to free Puerto Rico from the exploitation, domination and oppression enabled by private ownership of technology, media, and communication? Libre Planet Puerto Rico’s vision is to free Puerto Rico from technological and legal barriers for all software and cultural works.
Have you noticed yet, that you might have a role to play in the growth of Libre Planet Puerto Rico? Interested parties are invited to join the team by visiting the Libre Planet Wiki, our home page or joining the conversation on the Freenode IRC server using the #lp-pr-en channel. You may also contact the Libre Planet Puerto Rico directly at info at free dash puertorico dot org.