Video On Demand: 8 Signs You're Beyond Cron

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Scheduling Crontabs With an Enterprise Scheduler

Cron job scheduling is probably your ticket to automating processes on your UNIX boxes. But how are you automating the rest of your environment?

Though cron is easy to use, it provides limited options for event-driven and enterprise-wide job scheduling. Because today's enterprises are larger and more interconnected than ever before, crontab scheduling just won’t be able to deliver the level of automation you desire.

Join Mike Diehl, and Pat Cameron, Director of Automation Technology at HelpSystems, as they discuss the eight primary advantages of moving beyond cron job scheduling. In this webinar, you’ll learn about integrating cron with an enterprise scheduler, which gives you the ability to:

  • Integrate your cron job schedules across your enterprise
  • Import existing UNIX crontab data into Skybot Scheduler
  • Schedule new jobs with the familiar cron syntax
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