Systemd Security Holes Discovered, GNOME 3.31.4 Released, Mozilla Launches Flexbox Inspector, Timesys Announces New Version of TimeStorm IDE and Clonezilla Live (2.6.0-37) Now Available

News briefs for January 11, 2019.

Three new security holes recently were discovered in Systemd by the Qualys security company. From ZDNet: "With any of these a local user can gain root privileges. Worse still, Qualys reports that 'To the best of our knowledge, all systemd-based Linux distributions are vulnerable.' Actually, that's not quite true, even Qualys admits. 'SUSE Linux Enterprise 15, openSUSE Leap 15.0, and Fedora 28 and 29 are not exploitable because their user space is compiled with GCC's -fstack-clash-protection.'" Red Hat has already released patches for 16864 and 16865.

GNOME 3.31.4 was released this week. This release marks the first development release of 2019, so folks are encouraged to try it and test it. You can get the official BuildStream snapshot here and the source packages here. For the list of updates and changes, go here.

Mozilla announces the launch of Flexbox Inspector: "The new Flexbox Inspector, created by Firefox DevTools, helps developers understand the sizing, positioning, and nesting of Flexbox elements. You can try it out now in Firefox DevEdition or join us for its official launch in Firefox 65 on January 29th."

Timesys Corporation recently announced a new release of TimeStorm Integrated Development Environment. Timesys TimeStorm 5.3.2 IDE "is designed to streamline, simplify, and accelerate the creation of secure Internet of Things (IoT) and embedded Linux applications." According to the announcement, the new IDE also features "support for Windows 10 and a Timesys-built Windows installer. The Eclipse-based TimeStorm IDE provides Windows 10 OS users with an already familiar development environment, making it easy to create embedded Linux products within a Windows environment."

Clonezilla live (2.6.0-37) is now available. This new release for the partition and disk imaging/cloning program features major enhancements and bug fixes. The underlying GNU/Linux OS is now updated and based on Debian Sid and the kernel updated to 4.19.13-1. See the announcement for details.

Jill Franklin is an editorial professional with more than 17 years experience in technical and scientific publishing, both print and digital. As Executive Editor of Linux Journal, she wrangles writers, develops content, manages projects, meets deadlines and makes sentences sparkle. She also was Managing Editor for TUX and Embedded Linux Journal, and the book Linux in the Workplace. Before entering the Linux and open-source realm, she was Managing Editor of several scientific and scholarly journals, including Veterinary Pathology, The Journal of Mammalogy, Toxicologic Pathology and The Journal of Scientific Exploration. In a previous life, she taught English literature and composition, managed a bookstore and tended bar. When she’s not bugging writers about deadlines or editing copy, she throws pots, gardens and reads. You can contact Jill via e-mail,

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