Spin Your Own Debian with Live Studio

Debian Live Studio

In the tradition of Nimblex and SUSE Studio comes an alternative for those who prefer Debian. Debian Live Studio allows users to build their own Debian Live system with just a few mouse clicks.

Debian developer, Chris Lamb, has created a web-based service to allow users to build their own customized live operating systems. After selecting your preferred options, the server builds and readies your image. Users can select from CD, DVD, USB, or Netboot images. Debian Live Studio requires registration, but is free of cost to use and consists of 100% free software.

The service is still new and more features are planned, but it is usable now. In fact, Lamb would welcome feedback. In addition, he's looking for a more permanent hosting solution for his service. Contact Lamb via email at debian-live at lists.debian.org. See the Frequently Asked Questions for more information on that.

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