Puerto Rico Python User Group Celebrates First Anniversary

One year ago the Puerto Rico Python Interest Group (prPIG) was founded on one purpose; to create a sustainable user community based on software development in Puerto Rico. On February 20, 2014 we will celebrate our first anniversary with an open format meeting with lightning talks from the community.
prPIG is looking for volunteers from the community that are willing to give a short introduction to their favorite Python library, some popular modules we'd like to see include: math, decimal, datetime, time, dateutil, re, sqlite, json, urllib2, pyquery, and sh. Suggestions are also welcome.
During their first year, the Puerto Rico Python user group hosted 18 events, and established an active community online. According to founder Kevin Shockey, “prPIG has successfully established an online network that is helping to sustain our software development user group in Puerto Rico. We've gained many new partners and collaborators in our first year. They have really helped us and we look forward to more collaborative opportunities.”
The February meeting of prPIG will be held at 7:00pm in 2nd Floor Conference Room, Puerto Rico Science, Research, & Technology Trust, Rd. 21, Río Piedras. More details for the event are on the user group's home page: www.prpig.org.
Note: prPIG is kindly sponsored by the Internet Society, through their Community Grant program. We are deeply grateful for all of the support we have received so far, it has been well beyond our wildest expectations.