Meet Mii

WiiLi is a Linux port in the works for the Nintendo Wii. Drivers are being developed for Wii features, including the SD card slot, the wireless 802.11b/g and Bluetooth hardware, and for the remote.

A proof-of-concept Wii distribution was rolled out earlier this year by the GameCube Linux project. It relies on a Twilight Hack developed by Team Twiizers. The hack leverages an exploit in a Wii game title to launch a Linux bootloader (see video).

We're eager to see Linux on the Wii. In the meanwhile, settle for seeing Linux Journal on the Wii -- we all have our own Miis here in the office. Add Linux Journal as a Wii friend and we'll send you any LJ staffers you'd like. :-) Our console number is: 2924 2525 5556 2687 (post yours in the comments below and we'll add you too).

Carlie Fairchild is Linux Journal’s Publisher and guiding spirit. She’s been actively engaged in the Linux community for two decades and is responsible for setting the magazine’s overall direction. Carlie leads a motley team of geeks and journalists to ensure that Linux Journal stays true to its founding ideologies of personal freedom and open-source technical innovation. You can contact Carlie via e-mail,

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