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How to Build an Enterprise Kubernetes Strategy

rancher kubernetes

In today’s emerging cloud-native environments, Kubernetes is everywhere.

Organizations love Kubernetes because it helps significantly increase the agility and efficiency of their software development teams, enabling them to reduce the time and perils associated with putting new software into production. Information technology operations teams love Kubernetes because it helps boost productivity, reduce costs and risks, and moves organizations closer to achieving their hybrid cloud goals.

Simply put, Kubernetes makes it easier to manage software complexity. As enterprise applications become more complex, development and operations (DevOps) teams need a tool that can orchestrate that complexity. They need a way to launch all the services dependent on these applications, making sure the applications and services are healthy and can connect to one Another.

Containers have dramatically risen in popularity because they provide a consistent way to package application components and their dependencies into a single object that can run in any environment. By packaging code and its dependencies into containers, a development team can use standardized units of code as consistent building blocks. The container will run the same way in any environment and can start and terminate quickly, allowing applications to scale to any size.

In fact, development teams are using containers to package entire applications and move them to the cloud without the need to make any code changes. Additionally, containers can make it easier to build workflows for applications that run between on-premises and cloud environments, enabling the smooth operation of almost any hybrid environment.

You may download this special Kubernetes ebook here.

Rancher Labs has written an ebook about this subject and they’re sharing it with Linux Journal readers. Topics include:

  • The Dangers of Too Many Good Things
  • Understanding Your Organization’s Current Kubernetes Adoption 4
  • Where Will You Be Running Kubernetes in Five Years?
  • Who Should Own the Kubernetes Strategy?
  • Centralized vs Decentralized Kubernetes Management
  • Containerization and Kubernetes Will Disrupt Some of Your Other Plans
  • Our Organization is Heavily Investing in Cloud Computing
  • We Are Investing in Hyper-Converged Infrastructure as Part of a Data Center Upgrade
  • We Are Trying to Modernize Our Existing Applications to Improve Security and Stability
  • We Need to Cut Our Infrastructure/Cloud Spending
  • Preparing Your Teams for Broader Kubernetes Adoption
  • Evaluating Container Management Platforms and Delivering Kubernetes- as-a-Service
  • Kubernetes Distribution, Cluster Provisioning and Lifecycle Management
  • Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Management
  • User Management and Delegated Administration
  • Policy Management
  • User Experience and the Entire Cloud Native Stack
  • Kubernetes Security and Audit
  • Open Source, SaaS, and Support
  • A Few Final Thoughts
  • Appendix A — Case Study: How Life Sciences Leader Illumina Implemented an
  • Enterprise Kubernetes Strategy
  • A Complex Puzzle with Many Parts
  • Connecting All the Pieces with Rancher and Kubernetes
  • How Rancher and Kubernetes Can Work for Any Organization

You may download this special Kubernetes ebook here.

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