Git Your July 2018 Issue of Linux Journal: Now Available

Linux Journal July 2018 cover

Along with Microsoft buying Github recently, we received hundreds of questions and comments about all things git. How does one install and run GitLab themselves? Should they? What's the difference between GitHub and GitLab? How can one migrate repositories from GitHub and host on their own Linux server? So with this July issue of Linux Journal, we take a Deep Dive in to... git. Enjoy!

Feature articles include:

A Git Origin Story by Zack Brown

A look at the Linux kernel developers' various revision control solutions through the years, Linus Torvalds' decision to use BitKeeper and the controversy that followed, and how Git came to be created.

Git Quick Start Guide by Patrick Whelan

Ditch USBs and start using real version control, and if you follow this guide, you can start using git in 30 minutes!

Building a Bare-Bones Git Environment by Andy Carlson

How to migrate repositories from GitHub, configure the software and get started with hosting Git repositories on your own Linux server.

Take Your Git In-House by John S. Tonello

If you're wary of the Microsoft takeover of GitHub, or if you've been looking for a way to ween yourself off free public repositories, or if you want to ramp up your DevOps efforts, now's a good time to look at installing and running GitLab yourself. It's not as difficult as you might think, and the free, open-source GitLab CE version provides a lot of flexibility to start from scratch, migrate or graduate to more full-fledged versions.

Terrible Ideas in Git by Corey Quinn

This article was derived from a talk that GitHub Universe faithfully rejects every year. I can't understand why....

Opinion: GitHub vs GitLab by Matt Lee

Free software deserves free tools, not Microsoft-owned GitHub.

Other articles in this issue:

Encrypting NFSv4 with Stunnel TLS by Charles Fisher

NFS clients and servers push file traffic over clear-text connections in the default configuration, which is incompatible with sensitive data. TLS can wrap this traffic, finally bringing protocol security. Before you use your cloud provider's NFS tools, review all of your NFS usage and secure it where necessary.

Advertising 3.0 by Doc Searls

Road to RHCA—Preparation Meets Opportunity by Taz Brown

FOSS Project Spotlight: ONLYOFFICE, an Online Office Suite by Tatiana Kochedykova

At Rest Encryption by Kyle Rankin

Progress with Your Image by Kyle Rankin

FOSS Project Spotlight: Pydio Cells, an Enterprise-Focused File-Sharing Solution by Italo Vignoli

Atomic Modeling with GAMGI by Joey Bernard

News Briefs by Jill Franklin

Kyle Rankin's Hack and /: What Really IRCs Me: Slack

Reuven M. Lerner's At the Forge: Introducing Python 3.7's Dataclasses

Shawn Powers' The Open-Source Classroom: A Look at Google's Project Fi

Dave Taylor's Work the Shell: Shuffling Letters and Words

Zack Brown's diff -u: What's New in Kernel Development

Glyn Moody's Open Sauce: Why the Failure to Conquer the Desktop Was Great for GNU/Linux

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Carlie Fairchild is Linux Journal’s Publisher and guiding spirit. She’s been actively engaged in the Linux community for two decades and is responsible for setting the magazine’s overall direction. Carlie leads a motley team of geeks and journalists to ensure that Linux Journal stays true to its founding ideologies of personal freedom and open-source technical innovation. You can contact Carlie via e-mail,

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