Experience the New Linux Journal

The August 2011 issue marks our last print run for Linux Journal, but it is not our last edition. We will continue publishing our monthly magazine in digital form, in fact greatly building upon it, while continuing to present fresh material every day on the Web.
Many of you have been with us since Linux Journal began, in 1994. Ever since our first issue, Linux Journal has been the premier Linux monthly, showing up in bookstores all over the world, as well as in your postal mailboxes. But, we now consume information vastly differently from the way we did 17 years ago, and it's time to embrace the fact that Linux Journal needs to adapt and conform to you, our readers, with formats and platforms that best fit into your digital, online and mobile lives. (See also Doc Searls’ open letter to readers, Linux Journal Goes 100% Digital.)
Beginning with the September 2011 edition of Linux Journal, issue number 209, all print subscribers will be offered Linux Journal Digital Edition. Our editorial coverage will not change, only the format. You'll enjoy the same, familiar experience as thumbing through a print magazine, dwelling over stories and following the flow of the magazine's layout, with these added benefits:
- Timely delivery: each issue will arrive in your e-mail inbox automatically on the first day of every month.
- Off-line reading: you can download a single page or the entire magazine and conveniently take it with you. You also can print any pages you want.
- Easy navigation: the live table of contents, embedded page links, and phrase search and highlighting make it quick and easy to go to the articles you want to read most.
- Save, clip, share: clip pages and save them, or even forward them to friends and colleagues to share ideas and information.
- Interactivity: we'll be incorporating rich media in future issues so you can look forward to reading a product review and watching our editors introduce the product hands-on in a video.
For our current print subscribers: if we have your current e-mail address on file, there is nothing more for you to do. The September issue of Linux Journal will arrive in your inbox today, August 19. Subsequent issues will arrive the first of every month (so the October issue will be sent to you October 1, November's issue on November 1 and so forth). If you need to provide us with or update your e-mail address, if you do not receive your issue, or if you have other questions, please visit our customer service page and follow the instructions. For any non-paying subscribers interested in seeing a copy of Linux Journal Digital, we've made a free sample issue available to you.
Coming in September, you'll also be able to access Linux Journal through custom iPhone, iPad and Android mobile applications. Now anywhere you go, Linux Journal will go with you. We'll notify our paid subscribers of the application availability come September.
We welcome your input and participation in making Linux Journal the magazine you want it to be. We have set up a forum for conversation with subscribers, as well as a forum for conversation with non-paying readers. We also invite you to write us directly at gm@linuxjournal.com. To help in that direction, visit our subscriber FAQ.