Enter to Win: Daily Giveaways All Week!

Enter to Win

Fun is to be had at Linux Journal this week! Linode is sponsoring Daily Giveaways all week long! 

Monday's giveaway is an ODROID-GO Game Kit. One randomly drawn winner will be chosen from all Monday entrants received before 11:59pm PDT / 6:59am GMT. The winner will be announced tomorrow. Come back Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and so forth for more fun giveaways!

The ODROID-GO Game Kit includes a special ODROID anniversary board with all the parts to put together your own game kit and see the workings behind such a device. It is not only a fun assembly project but also an educational tool to learn about all the hardware and software that goes into building such a device. Editor Kyle Rankin compares Adafruit's PiGRRL Zero vs. Hardkernel's ODROID-GO in this month's issue of Linux Journal -- make sure to check it out!

A special thanks to Linode who offers high performance SSD Linux servers for all of your infrastructure needs. We use Linode cloud hosting ourselves and so do many of our developer friends. Consider supporting Linode the way they support our Linux Journal community. Thanks again friends at Linode!

Carlie Fairchild is Linux Journal’s Publisher and guiding spirit. She’s been actively engaged in the Linux community for two decades and is responsible for setting the magazine’s overall direction. Carlie leads a motley team of geeks and journalists to ensure that Linux Journal stays true to its founding ideologies of personal freedom and open-source technical innovation. You can contact Carlie via e-mail, publisher@linuxjournal.com.

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