Custom Transitioning Backgrounds In KDE3


My recent article about transitioning slide show backgrounds in GNOME garnered quite a bit of attention, so here's my first reminder of how to do the same thing in other desktop environments. This one will show you how to create a custom slide show backgrounds in KDE3.

First, right click the desktop and select "Configure Desktop".


Next, select "Slide Show" under "Background".


Choose "Add" to add backgrounds to add to your slide show.


Select the backgrounds that you'd like to add to your slide show. Hold the Control key while clicking to select multiple wallpapers from the same directory.


Choose the duration of each background in the slideshow, and click the "Show pictures in random order" check-box to randomize the backgrounds, or move the backgrounds into an order that you find appealing with the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons.


Click "OK" and enjoy your transitioning backgrounds in KDE 3.

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