Canonical to Continue Building Selected 32-Bit i386 Packages for Ubuntu 19.10, Azul Systems Announces Zulu Mission Control v7.0, Elisa v. 0.4.1 Now Available, Firefox Adds Fission to the Nightly Build and Tails Emergency Release

News briefs for June 25, 2019.

After much feedback from the community, Canonical yesterday announced it will continue to build selected 32-bit i386 packages for Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04 LTS. The statement notes that Canonical "will also work with the WINE, Ubuntu Studio and gaming communities to use container technology to address the ultimate end of life of 32-bit libraries; it should stay possible to run old applications on newer versions of Ubuntu. Snaps and LXD enable us both to have complete 32-bit environments, and bundled libraries, to solve these issues in the long term."

Azul Systems announces Zulu Mission Control v7.0. From the press release: "Based on the OpenJDK Mission Control project, Zulu Mission Control is a powerful Java performance management and application profiling tool that works with Azul's Zing and Zulu JDKs/JVMs and supports both Java SE 8 and 11. Zulu Mission Control is free to use, and may be downloaded from"

Version 0.4.1 of KDE's Elisa music player is now available. Some fixes with this release include improved accessibility, improved focus handling and an improved build system. You can get the source code tarball here.

Firefox recently added Fission to its latest nightly build. Softpedia News quotes developer Nika Layzell on the new site isolation feature: "We aim to build a browser which isn't just secure against known security vulnerabilities, but also has layers of built-in defense against potential future vulnerabilities. To accomplish this, we need to revamp the architecture of Firefox and support full Site Isolation. We call this next step in the evolution of Firefox's process model 'Project Fission'. While Electrolysis split our browser into Content and Chrome, with Fission, we will "split the atom", splitting cross-site iframes into different processes than their parent frame."

Tails announced an emergency release this week, 3.14.2, to address a critical security vulnerability in the Tor browser. Be sure to update the Tor Browser to version 8.5.3 to fix the sandbox escape vulnerability. Go here to download.

Jill Franklin is an editorial professional with more than 17 years experience in technical and scientific publishing, both print and digital. As Executive Editor of Linux Journal, she wrangles writers, develops content, manages projects, meets deadlines and makes sentences sparkle. She also was Managing Editor for TUX and Embedded Linux Journal, and the book Linux in the Workplace. Before entering the Linux and open-source realm, she was Managing Editor of several scientific and scholarly journals, including Veterinary Pathology, The Journal of Mammalogy, Toxicologic Pathology and The Journal of Scientific Exploration. In a previous life, she taught English literature and composition, managed a bookstore and tended bar. When she’s not bugging writers about deadlines or editing copy, she throws pots, gardens and reads. You can contact Jill via e-mail,

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