Best Domain Registrar

This week's category is domain registrars—see who wins!

Here's the breakdown:

  1. Namecheap: 22%
  2. Gandi 17%
  3. GoDaddy 11%

Namecheap is an independent domain registrar founded in 2000 by Richard Kirkendall. He launched it with the idea that "the average people of the internet deserved value-priced domains and stellar service." Now with more than 5 million domains under its management, Namecheap has become a leader in both the budget-domain and web-hosting spaces. No hidden fees and a general sense of honesty and transparency from Namecheap are reasons cited by Linux Journal readers for their devotion to the company.

Who to watch for: Gandi, in a close second place, comes in as another favorite. Linux Journal reader Mathieu T. commented, "I am currently moving everything to GANDI. Easy to use and clear interface, and a reactive support."

Be sure to check back and vote in the next poll!

Jill Franklin is an editorial professional with more than 17 years experience in technical and scientific publishing, both print and digital. As Executive Editor of Linux Journal, she wrangles writers, develops content, manages projects, meets deadlines and makes sentences sparkle. She also was Managing Editor for TUX and Embedded Linux Journal, and the book Linux in the Workplace. Before entering the Linux and open-source realm, she was Managing Editor of several scientific and scholarly journals, including Veterinary Pathology, The Journal of Mammalogy, Toxicologic Pathology and The Journal of Scientific Exploration. In a previous life, she taught English literature and composition, managed a bookstore and tended bar. When she’s not bugging writers about deadlines or editing copy, she throws pots, gardens and reads. You can contact Jill via e-mail,

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