Android Candy: Quit Thumbing Your Passwords!
I use my phone more often to log in to on-line accounts than I use a computer. I can assure you it's not because typing passwords on a tiny keyboard is fun. For most of us, we just have instant access to our phones at any given time during the day. The big problem with always using a tiny phone is that it means logging into tiny Web sites (especially if there is no mobile version of the site) with tiny virtual keys and a long, complex password. It makes for real frustration.
With PasswordBox, you not only can store your user names and passwords, but also log in to those Web sites with a single click. Once you authenticate with your master password to the PasswordBox app, it will allow you to create login profiles for dozens of sites and give you the ability to add entries for your own personal sites. If you want to log in to your bank with your phone, but don't want anyone to see you type in your banking credentials, PasswordBox is the perfect tool for you.
With great power comes great responsibility, and it's important to understand what PasswordBox allows you to do. When you initially launch it, you'll be prompted for how you desire the application to handle when it locks your data and requires you to retype the master password. Ideally, this would be "immediately after you quit the app", but PasswordBox allows you to sacrifice security for convenience and will stay unlocked anywhere from 30 seconds to several hours. It even will let you rely on your Android lock screen for security and never prompt you for your master password!
Even with its potential for insecurity, PasswordBox is a powerful and convenient tool that makes using your phone much less burdensome when logging in to on-line services. In fact, it greatly can improve security as you won't need to type in your banking information in plain sight of the guy next to you at McDonald's. For those reasons, PasswordBox gets this month's Editors Choice Award. Check it out today at