SCO Copies from Book, Settles with Publishing Company

by Don Marti

Controversial UNIX vendor The SCO Group apparently has paid to settle a copyright infringement complaint from San Francisco publisher No Starch Press.

"We have no issues with SCO at this time", said No Starch founder Bill Pollock in a telephone interview Tuesday. However, Pollock said last fall that he would insist on a payment from SCO in order to resolve the copyright dispute.

Some time before mid-2003, SCO copied entire chapters of a No Starch book, The Book of Webmin by Joe Cooper, into SCO's on-line documentation. The infringement was described last summer as "an open-and-shut case" by a person familiar with the facts. The Book of Webmin, originally copyrighted in 2000, is available on the Web, but it is not licensed for redistribution.

SCO spokesperson Blake Stowell could not be reached for comment.

Don Marti is Editor in Chief of Linux Journal.

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