Linux Journal Goes Public

by Doc Searls

Linux Journalism no longer has to be a solitary profession. Thanks to Linux-powered MeetUp, Linux journalists can gather with readers and other writers to talk about our shared Linux interests and passions. We can talk about the latest issue of Linux Journal or about the latest Linux issues in our local and worldwide communities.

That's the idea behind the monthly Linux Journal MeetUps we've launched. The first is scheduled for Wednesday, January 14, 2004, at 7pm. The venue is up to you. There are listings at the MeetUp site.

MeetUps on all kinds of subjects already are happening in more than 600 cities around the world. They're scheduled on-line, at the MeetUp site, and become active when at least five people sign up for any one location.

"Linux Journalists", of course, is a broad term that includes everybody who writes for Linux Journal or about Linux at all. It also includes readers. Linux Journal MeetUp day is a great excuse for any bunch of readers to get together and talk about Linux and how best to cover it in Linux Journal and elsewhere. Some subject topics include:

  • Are your Linux issues being addressed in Linux Journal or in other publications? What are we doing well and where are we missing the boat?

  • What are you finding out about Linux in the Real World that you're not yet reading about in Linux Journal and in other publications?

  • What how-to subjects--tools, tips and so on--would you like to see covered more?

  • Where do you see Linux, open source and free software going?

Of course, we're highly interested in your input (which is why we're doing this). So reports from MeetUps would be most welcome as well. Write to us at

Doc Searls is Senior Editor of Linux Journal.


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