Linux Journal Announces "They Said It" Contest
Twenty (20) random winners will be chosen from all the correct entries, and each will receive a free copy of "The Linux Cookbook", a Linux Journal Press book.
"We chose a large number of winners for this contest" commented Carlie Fairchild, VP of Marketing & Sales, "because 'The Linux Cookbook' is just so amazing. It has over 1,500 step-by-step Linux 'recipes' that cover the bread-and-butter issues our readers deal with every day."
All entries should be sent via e-mail to with "Linux Journal They Said It Contest" as the subject. The contest deadline is April 30th, 2003. For more information about the contest send an e-mail to
About Linux JournalLinux Journal is the premier Linux magazine, dedicated to serving the Linux community and promoting the use of Linux world-wide. A monthly periodical, Linux Journal is currently celebrating its ninth year of publication. Linux Journal may be purchased at all major bookstores and newsstands and may also be ordered by calling 1-888-66-LINUX, sending e-mail to or visiting For additional information about Linux Journal send e-mail to
About the PublisherSSC Publications is an established leader in the Linux, Open Source and UNIX fields, publishing best-selling books, reference cards and e-zines in these fields since 1983. SSC is headquartered in Seattle, Washington and has been operating since 1968. Visit SSC on the web at
Media Relations Contact:
Rebecca Cassity, Marketing ManagerSpecialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC)PO Box 55549, Seattle, WA, 98155Phone: +1 206-297-8653 / Fax: +1