SSC Job Posting: Linux Journal Staff Writer

by Don Marti

This is a very hard job, and if you're qualified to do it you're probably qualified for many easier jobs. If you think the pay is too low, we understand. It's the publishing business. On the other hand, you will be learning new stuff all the time and becoming famous. Or more famous, if you're already famous.

This job will be full-time and located at our Seattle headquarters. We will interview candidates on a local basis. We can't fly anyone in or pay for relocation, but if you want to arrange your own transportation and are willing to move, we can't stop you.

This is not a remote, virtual, contract or telecommuting position.

What does a Linux Journal staff writer do?
  1. Review Linux distributions, software, books and Linux-compatible hardware for the print Linux Journal and for our web site. You will be expected to set up and keep up to date a full-featured environment for testing Linux-related products on a minimal budget.

    Skills required:

    • system administration

    • accurate review planning, execution and measurement

    • use of benchmarks and understanding the limits of their relevance

    • creative hardware and bandwidth mooching (we can train you in this one)

    • writing

  2. Write project-related articles. With the advice and consent of our editors and editorial advisory board, develop outlines for how-to articles on Linux projects for home, work and elsewhere. Carry out the projects and document them. Work with our art staff on how best to illustrate them in a way that gets the point across.

    Skills required:

    • programming

    • integration of generic hardware and software into a project

    • accurate project time estimation

    • writing

  3. Participate in the Linux community.

    Time permitting, write free software or otherwise contribute to the progress and ubiquity of Linux.

SSC Employment

SSC provides a compensation package that includes two (2) weeks paid vacation to start and a retirement package. Opportunity for growth in a casual, fun and fast-paced work environment.

SSC has approximately local 15 employees and is located in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, WA, a 10-minute drive or bus ride north of downtown. SSC is a non-smoking environment. We maintain a strict non-smoking policy on premises and at all SSC-sponsored events. We are an equal opportunity employer.


Please send a cover letter, your resume (ASCII text only, please) and URLs of at least three information-technology-related writing samples to:

"Don Marti, Linux Journal Editor in Chief" <>Subject: staff writer position

Writing samples can be anything that shows your ability to explain Linux or related subjects clearly--even a personal web page or mailing list posting.

No phone calls or faxes. We will acknowledge all correctly submitted responses. All applications will be treated as confidential.

Don Marti is editor in chief of Linux Journal.

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