GLUE Introduces Free Membership and Improved Web Site

by Rebecca Cassity

GLUE (Groups of Linux Users Everywhere), praised by both ZDNet and InfoWorld, is well-known in the Linux community as the premiere on-line resource for user group information.

GLUE features over 1,000 groups in 97 countries, and individuals looking for help and support from fellow Linux users can easily find their local group on the GLUE site. For Linux user groups looking to increase visibility and attract new members, we offer special offers and promotions for your members -- all free of charge -- just for listing your group on GLUE. GLUE members receive from the following sponsors:

  • Linux Journal: 20% off regular subscription cost, CD-ROMs, bumper-stickers, 2002-2003 Tux Calendar

  • TOLIS: 20% off all BRU product purchases

  • GeCAD: A free copy of the latest version of RAV AntiVirus

  • Racksaver: T-shirts(Some benefits available in North America only, please visit the GLUE web site for more information.)

GLUE also offers advice on starting a new group, trade shows, where to meet, and why you should join. A new addition is the GLUE Group-of-the-Month contest: each month we will choose the best group photo of a LUG and will send every member in the group (up to 50) a free t-shirt. (To enter, send your LUG group photo to

Linux Journal Sales Coordinator Christy Kyllo has assumed the role of GLUE coordinator, and can be reached via e-mail at

About GLUEGLUE is brought to you by Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC), publishers of Linux Journal and Linux Gazette. The predessor to GLUE, LUG/nut, was started in 1995 as a resource for Linux users to help each other and has grown significatnly since that time. Visit the GLUE web site at

About SSCSpecialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC) is an established leader in the Linux, Open Source and UNIX fields, publishing best-selling books, reference cards and e-zines in these fields since 1983. SSC is headquartered in Seattle, Washington and has been operating since 1968. Visit SSC on the web at

Media Relations Contact:

Rebecca Cassity, Marketing ManagerSpecialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC)PO Box 55549, Seattle, WA, 98155Phone: +1 206-297-8653 / Fax: +1

GLUE Coordinator:

Christy Kyllo, Sales CoordinatorSpecialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC)PO Box 55549, Seattle, WA, 98155Phone: +1 206-297-8652 / Fax: +1

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