Linux Journal Announces December System Administration Issue
"Because such a high percentage of our readers are sys admins, we put extra effort into the system administration issue," commented Jill Franklin, Manager Editor. "This issue is crammed with useful information, including topics like process accounting and monitoring, LDAP, FTP proxy, the Reiser4 filesystem, and even legal issues that sys admins want to be familiar with."
In addition, the December issue of will contain Linux Journal's standard articles and columns such as: Kernel Korner, Paranoid Penguin, Linux for Suits, product reviews and several others. Bonus distribution for the December issue includes the Enterprise Linux Forum, produced by JupiterMedia, being held in Boston in early December.
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About Linux JournalLinux Journal is the premier Linux magazine, dedicated to serving the Linux community and promoting the use of Linux world-wide. A monthly periodical, Linux Journal is currently celebrating its eighth year of publication. Linux Journal may be purchased at all major bookstores and newsstands and may also be ordered by calling 1-888-66-LINUX, sending e-mail to or visiting For additional information about Linux Journal send e-mail to
About the PublisherSSC Publications is an established leader in the Linux, Open Source and UNIX fields, publishing best-selling books, reference cards and e-zines in these fields since 1983. SSC is headquartered in Seattle, Washington and has been operating since 1968. Visit SSC on the web at
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