Linux Journal Introduces SuitWatch: Doc Searls' Biweekly Industry Forecast
Doc Searls has been following these questions for years at Linux Journal, where he is Senior Editor. His column, "Linux For Suits," looks at where code, culture and business converge. He has become one of the most widely respected and quoted observers, not only of the software industry, but of business and its future, which are topics he addresses as coauthor of The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual. Cluetrain was on all the major nonfiction bestseller lists last year and is still selling well in nine languages. Doc also speaks on all these issues to groups all over the world.
With SuitWatch, Doc holds forth every other week on subjects more current and business-focused than we have room for in Linux Journal. SuitWatch looks at what Linux and open-source development are doing in business this week, today and tomorrow -- and at the large issues around the often contentious space where open-source development and business meet and work together.
Subscribe to SuitWatch and you'll get Doc's thoughts in advance of general publication and circulation, but in a form you can find later on the Web when you need to source and link to them in the future. As a SuitWatch subscriber, you'll engage the thinking and experience of the most connected and business-oriented mind in the Linux community.
About Linux JournalLinux Journal is the premier Linux magazine, dedicated to serving the Linux community and promoting the use of Linux world-wide. A monthly periodical, Linux Journal is currently celebrating its seventh year of publication and and boasts a circulation of over 120,000. Linux Journal may be purchased at all major bookstores and newsstands and may also be ordered by calling 888-66-LINUX, sending e-mail to or visiting For additional information about Linux Journal send e-mail to
About the PublisherSSC Publications is an established leader in the Linux, Open Source and UNIX fields, publishing best-selling books, reference cards and e-zines in these fields since 1983. Embedded Linux Journal, a sister publication of Linux Journal, is a bi-monthly controlled-circulation publication. SSC is headquartered in Seattle, Washington and has been operating since 1968. Visit SSC on the web at
Media Relations Contact:
Rebecca Cassity, Marketing ManagerSpecialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC)PO Box 55549, Seattle, WA, 98155Phone: +1 206-297-8653 / Fax: +1