Premiere Edition of Embedded Linux Journal Released
A sister publication of the award-winning monthly magazine Linux Journal, Embedded Linux Journal is published bi-monthly and circulation has launched at 80,000 copies. Circulation will reach 150,000 by the end of 2001. It is being personally addressed and mailed directly to targeted and qualified computer professionals in the embedded marketplace. "The targeted reach within this market segment," said Carlie Fairchild, VP of Marketing and Sales, "will allow advertisers access to a very desirable audience that was, until now, very difficult to attain."
The magazine's premiere edition launched with the help of the top leaders in the embedded Linux space. Advertisers included, AbsoluteValue Systems, ACT/Technico, Arcome Control Systems, Emac Inc, Embedded Linux Consortium, Hewlett Packard, Hurricane Electric, LINEO, LynuxWorks, Megatel Computer Corporation, Metro Link, Microcross Inc, MontaVista Software, O'Reilly & Associates, OnCore Systems, Penguin Computing, QNX, Red Hat, Sealevel Systems, SoftTools Technology Inc, Trolltech Inc, Ultimate Solutions, Vita Nuova, and
"Being able to tap in to over seven years of built-up resources and expertise from Linux Journal certainly gives us an enormous competitive edge in this particular place," said Publisher, Phil Hughes. "But the truth be known, Linux is truly our love and our passion. Because of this, Embedded Linux Journal will not only have a strong appeal to readers and advertisers alike, it will open doors to new opportunities for all in the growing embedded marketplace."
About Embedded Linux JournalEmbedded Linux Journal is a bi-monthly publication with a direct-request, controlled circulation. Free subscriptions are available for qualified professionals living in North America and working in the embedded industry. Magazine subscription applications are available on-line, visit Charter web and print advertising programs are available by contacting Carlie Fairchild at +1 206-782-7733 ext.105 or For additional information about Embedded Linux Journal, send e-mail to
About the PublisherSSC is an established leader in the Linux, Open Source and UNIX fields, having published best-selling books, reference cards and e-zines in these fields since 1983. The most well-known publication of SSC, the monthly magazine Linux Journal, is now celebrating its sixth year of publication and boasts a circulation of well over 100,000. SSC is headquartered in Seattle, Washington and has been operating since 1968. Visit SSC on the web at
Media Relations Contact:
Rebecca Cassity, Marketing ManagerSpecialized Systems Consultants, Inc.P.O. Box 55759, Seattle, WA 98155-0759Phone: +1 206-782-7733, ext.113 / Fax: +1 206-782-7191Email:
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