on August 1, 1994
Three examples will be given in this final section, completing our discussion of icmake. The first example illustrates a `traditional make script', used with icmake. The example was taken from the `callback utility', developed by Karel (and also available from beatrix.icce.rug.bl). The second example is a simple dos2unix script which may be used to convert DOS textfiles to Unix textfiles: it uses awk to do the hard work. Finally, the attic-move script is presented, implementing a non-destructive remove, by moving files into an `attic.zip'. More examples can be found in the icmake distribution tar.gz file. The examples are annotated by their own comment, and are presented as they are currently used.
#!/usr/local/bin/icmake -qi #define CC "gcc" #define CFLAGS "-c -Wall" #define STRIP "strip" #define AR "ar" #define ARREPLACE "rvs" #define DEBUG "" #define CALLBACKDIR "/conf/callback" #define BINDIR "/usr/local/bin" #define VER "1.05v int compdir (string dir) { int i, ret; list ofiles, cfiles; string hfile, curdir, cfile, ofile, libfile; curdir = chdir ("."); libfile = "lib" + dir + ".a"; hfile = dir + ".h"; chdir (dir); if (hfile younger libfile) cfiles = makelist ("*.c"); else cfiles = makelist ("*.c", younger, libfile); for (i = 0; i < sizeof (cfiles); i++) { cfile = element (i, cfiles); ofile = change_ext (cfile, ".o"); if (! exists (ofile) || ofile older cfile) exec (CC, DEBUG, CFLAGS, cfile); } if (ofiles = makelist ("*.o")) { exec (AR, ARREPLACE, libfile, "*.o"); exec ("rm", "*.o"); ret = 1; } chdir (curdir); return (ret); } void linkprog (string dir) { chdir (dir); exec (CC, DEBUG, "-o", dir, "-l" + dir, "-lrss", "-L. -L../rss"); chdir (".."); } void buildprogs () { int cblogin, cbstat, rss; chdir ("src"); cblogin = compdir ("cblogin"); cbstat = compdir ("cbstat"); rss = compdir ("rss"); if (cblogin || rss) linkprog ("cblogin"); if (cbstat || rss) linkprog ("cbstat"); chdir (".."); } void instprog (string prog, string destdir) { chdir ("src/" + prog); exec (STRIP, prog); exec ("chmod", "700", prog); exec ("cp", prog, destdir); chdir ("../.."); } void install () { buildprogs (); instprog ("cblogin", CALLBACKDIR); instprog ("cbstat", BINDIR); } void cleandir (string dir) { chdir ("src/" + dir); exec ("rm", "-f", "*.o lib*.a", dir); chdir ("../.."); } void clean () { exec ("rm", "-f", "build.bim"); cleandir ("cblogin"); cleandir ("cbstat"); cleandir ("rss"); } void makedist () { list examples; int i; clean (); chdir ("examples"); examples = makelist ("*"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof (examples); i++) if (exists ("/conf/callback/" + element (i, examples)) && "/conf/callback/" + element (i, examples) younger element (i, examples)) exec ("cp", "/conf/callback/" + element (i, examples), element (i, examples)); chdir (".."); exec ("rm", "-f", "callback-" + VER + ".tar*"); exec ("tar", "cvf", "callback-" + VER + ".tar", "*"); exec ("gzip", "callback-" + VER + ".tar"); exec ("mv", "callback-" + VER + ".tar.z", "callback-" + VER + ".tar.gz"); } void main (int argc, list argv) { if (element (1, argv) == "progs") buildprogs (); else if (element (1, argv) == "install") install (); else if (element (1, argv) == "clean") clean (); else if (element (1, argv) == "dist") makedist (); else { printf ("\n" "Usage: build progs - builds programs\n" " build install - installs program\n" " build clean - cleanup .o files etc.\n" "\n" " build dist - makes .tar.gz distrib file\n" "\n"); exit (1); } exit (0); }
#!/usr/local/bin/icmake -qi /* DOS2UNIX This script is used to change dos textfiles into unix textfiles. */ string pidfile; void usage(string prog) { prog = change_ext(get_base(prog), ""); // keep the scriptname printf("\n" "ICCE ", prog, ": Dos to Unix textfile conversion. Version 1.00\n" "Copyright (c) ICCE 1993, 1994. All rights reserved\n" "\n", prog, " by Frank B. Brokken\n" "\n" "Usage: ", prog, " file(s)\n" // give help "Where:\n" "file(s): MS-DOS textfiles to convert to UNIX textfiles\n" "\n"); exit (1); // and exit } void dos2unix(string file) { if (!exists(file)) printf("'", file, "' does not exist: skipped\n"); else { printf("converting: ", file, "\n"); exec("/bin/mv", file, pidfile); system("/usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN {FS=\"\\r\"}; {print $1}' " + pidfile + " > " + file); } } void process(list argv) { int i; // make general scratchname pidfile = "/tmp/dos2unix." + (string)getpid(); echo(OFF); // no echoing of exec-ed progs for (i = 1; i < sizeof(argv); i++) dos2unix(element(i, argv)); // convert dos 2 unix if (exists(pidfile)) exec("/bin/rm", pidfile); // remove final junk } int main(int argc, list argv) { if (argc == 1) usage(element(0, argv)); process(argv); // process all arguments return (0); // return when ready }
#! /usr/local/bin/icmake -qi /* This script is used to implement a non-destructive rm */ #define YEAR "1993, 1994" #define VERSION "1.10" int flags_done, extract, viewmode, debug; string home, attic, cwd, progname, recurs, forced, unzipflag; void kill(string s) { printf(s, "\n\n"); exit(1); } void preamble(list argv, list envp) { int index; cwd = chdir("."); // get cwd for (index = 0; home = element(index, envp); index += 2) { if (home == "HOME") // HOME found { // get it home = element(index + 1, envp); break; // and done } } if (!home) kill("$HOME not found"); progname = change_ext(element(0, argv), ""); attic = home + "/attic"; // set $HOME/attic, change to } void check_attic() { if (!exists(attic)) // attic should exist { printf(attic, " does not exist. Create it [y/n] ? "); if (getch() != "y") // not a "y" ? kill("ok."); system("mkdir " + attic); // make the attic subdir exec("chmod", 700, attic); // private use } // else attic must be dir else if (!((int)element(0, stat(attic)) & S_IFDIR)) kill("'" + attic + "' is not a directory"); attic += "/attic"; // append the zip-name chdir("/"); // go to the root } void set_flags(string arg) { int index; string flag; // process all arguments for (index = 1; flag = element(index, arg); index++) { if (flag == "r") // process encountered options recurs = "-r"; if (flag == "d") debug++; else if (flag == "f") forced = "-f"; else if (flag == "x") extract++; else if (flag == "v") { extract++; viewmode++; unzipflag = "-l "; } else kill("Unrecognized flag '-" + flag + "': " + progname + "aborted"); } if (extract && unzipflag == "") unzipflag = "-u "; // use proper unzip flag } list options(int argc, list argv) { int index; list ret; string arg; for (index = 0; index < argc; index++) { arg = element(index, argv); // get next argument if (element(0, arg) == "-") // first element is a - ? set_flags(arg); // then set flags else ret += (list)arg; // or add to list to return } return (ret); // returned list } void usage() { printf ( "\n" "ICCE AM (Attic Move) non-destructive remove. Version " VERSION "\n" "Copyright (c) ICCE " YEAR ". All Rights Reserved\n" "\n" "AM by Frank B. Brokken\n" "\n" "Usage: ", progname, " [options] file(s)\n" "Where:\n" " options:\n" " -d: Debug mode: no execution but display of commands\n" " -f: Forced processing of indicated files\n" " -r: Recursive removal of directory contents\n" " -v: View current contents of the attic\n" " -x: Extract files from the attic to their original place\n" " (i.e., if you are permitted to do so...\n" "\n" " file(s): names of files and directories to move to/from the attic\n" "\n" " ", home, "/attic/attic.zip is used to store the files.\n" "\n" ); exit (1); } string prefix_path(string file) { string el, ret; int index; if (element(0, file) != "/") // if file isn't an absolute path file = cwd + file; // then make an absolute path for (index = 1; el = element(index, file); index++) ret += el; // remove first char from abs path return (ret); // return modified string } void retrieve(string file) { string cmd; cmd = "unzip " // update only + unzipflag + attic; if (!viewmode) cmd += " " + prefix_path(file); // and the file (+ path prefix) if (debug) printf("( cd /; ", cmd, " )\n"); // debug: show command else system(cmd); // else exec cmd } void remove(string file) { string cmd; cmd = "zip -my " // remove, remove links as links + forced // maybe forced + " " + recurs // maybe recursive + " " + attic // target zip + " " + prefix_path(file); // and the file (+ path prefix) if (debug) printf("( cd /; ", cmd, " )\n"); // debug: show command else system(cmd); // else exec cmd } void one_file(string file) { if (extract) // either retrieve or remove retrieve(file); // the file else remove(file); } void process(int argc, list argv) { int index; for (index = 1; index < argc; index++) one_file(element(index, argv)); // process one file } int main(int argc, list argv, list envp) { echo (OFF); preamble(argv, envp); // set progname and attic dir. argv = options(argc, argv); // get the options argc = sizeof(argv); // determine remaining arguments if (argc == 1 && !viewmode) // none left and no viewmode? usage(); // give usage and exit 1 check_attic(); // check accessability of attic if (viewmode) // view contents retrieve(""); else // or process(argc, argv); // process remaining arguments return (0); // done }