Non-Linux FOSS: Facebook on OS X, sans Browser!

I recently wrote about using Facebook Messenger as an SMS client, and because I'll likely get lots of email about how horrible Facebook messenger is, I might as well go all in and share this open-source program: Messenger for Mac.

Non-Linux FOSS: CreateUserPkg

For Linux users, scripting user installation is fairly simple. It's possible, but not quite as simple with OS X. Thanks to Per Olofsson, it's possible to distribute user accounts as installable packages that are as simple as a double-click to install.

Non-Linux FOSS: Homebrew

I use OS X quite often during my day job. I'm able to tolerate it largely due to the terminal. If I couldn't do my work with green text on a black background, I think I'd go crazy (or crazier). Unfortunately, OS X doesn't come with all the command-line tools I need. That's where Homebrew comes in to save the day.

Non-Linux FOSS: Seashore

As Linux users, we tend to take programs like GIMP for granted. Thankfully, as of version 2.8.2, GIMP is available as a native application for OS X! Because everyone reading this most likely is familiar with how awesome GIMP is for photo editing, it's worth mentioning there is another open-source photo-editing application for OS X named Seashore.