Learn how to use the Mastodon social network platform from the comfort
of your regular IRC client.
When it comes to sending text between people, I've found IRC (in
particular, a text-based IRC client) works best. I've been using it to chat
for decades while other chat protocols and clients come and go. When my
friends have picked other chat clients through the years, I've used the amazing
IRC gateway Bitlbee to connect with them on their chat client using the same
IRC interface I've always used. Bitlbee provides an IRC gateway to many
different chat protocols, so you can connect to Bitlbee using your IRC
client, and it will handle any translation necessary to connect you to the
remote chat clients it supports. I've written about Bitlbee a number of times
in the past, and I've used it to connect to other instant messengers, Twitter and
Slack. In this article, I describe how I use it to connect to yet another
service on the internet: Mastodon.