If you're looking for a comprehensive, hands-on guide to creating projects on the slick BeagleBone Black embedded development platform, your moment has arrived. Brian McLaughlin, a developer at NASA, has penned said guide: The BeagleBone Black Primer from publisher Que. Millions of DIYers, makers, hobbyists and engineers are discovering the fun and utility of BeagleBone Black. Users of the platform can boot a full Linux operating system in less than ten seconds and start developing in less than five minutes with just a single USB cable. Author McLaughlin first reviews the basic embedded programming concepts and techniques that every hardware developer needs to know and then introduces the BeagleBone Black hardware. In the course of the book, McLaughlin guides readers step by step to mastery of increasingly advanced BeagleBone Black programming techniques using the Cloud9 IDE and BoneScript. Throughout, McLaughlin offers both "starter" and "advanced" projects, as well as "jumping-off points" carefully conceived to encourage the reader's own creativity.