The motto for the Qt Company is simple: "Code less. Create more. Deploy
everywhere." It's a sensible leitmotif given that the company made
the new Qt 5.5, the upgraded C++-based framework of libraries and tools for
developing powerful, interactive and cross-platform applications and
devices. Qt's support for multiple desktop, embedded and mobile
operating systems allows developers to save significant time on application
and device development simply by reusing one code. The most notable
innovations in Qt 5.5 are the following: full Bluetooth Low Energy for Internet of Things
deployments, a pre-built version of Qt for RHEL 6.6 and preliminary
support for upcoming Windows 10 (full subsequent support to follow
with a patch release). Other new features include extended support for
multimedia and graphics creation with 3D capabilities as well as new
multi-screen and IoT development features that strengthen overall
performance across applications and devices.