Putting the subtitle Geeky Weekend Projects for the Curious
Programmer onto a book is a sure way to charm one's way onto these
geek-friendly Linux Journal pages. The main title of
said book is Python
Playground, a new book from Mahesh Venkitachalam and irreverent
publisher No Starch Press. No Starch describes the book as "a collection
of fun programming projects that will inspire you to new heights as a
Pythonista". Readers will learn to use Python for all kinds of playful
purposes—for example, to manipulate images, build simulations and interact with
hardware using Arduino and Raspberry Pi. As readers work through each project,
they power up their programming skills and learn how to leverage external
libraries for specialized tasks, how to break problems into smaller, solvable
pieces and how to translate an algorithm into code. The fun projects include
an autostereogram generator, an ASCII art maker, a Conway's Game of Life
simulator, a ray casting volume renderer and an Arduino rig.