Though there now exists a seemingly limitless list of great Linux books,
those like Brian Ward's How Linux Works: What Every Superuser
Should Know
are the kind of books that should go into the "Linux Beginner's
Ward's book contains the essentials that new enthusiasts should know as
they embark on their journey of Linux discovery. To truly master Linux and
avoid obstacles, one needs to understand Linux internals like how the
system boots, how networking works and what the kernel actually does. In
this completely revised second edition, author Ward makes the concepts
behind Linux internals accessible to anyone who wants to understand them.
Inside these information-packed pages, readers will find the kind of
knowledge that normally comes from years of experience doing things the
hard way, including essential topics like Linux booting; how the kernel
manages devices, device drivers and processes; how networking, interfaces,
firewalls and servers work; and how development tools, shared libraries
and shell scripts work. Publisher No Starch Press notes that the book's
combination of background, theory, real-world examples and patient
explanations will teach readers to understand and customize their systems,
solve pesky problems and take control of their OS.