Omnibond Systems' acilos

What is the most logical anagram of "acilos"? It's "social", of course, and social media is what Omnibond Systems' acilos is all about. More precisely, acilos is a so-called personal social-media valet, a personal Web application that helps users aggregate, filter, customize and send updates to social-media feeds from Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram—all in a single, simple interface. The free and open-source acilos grew out of an internal need at Omnibond to deal with the sheer volume of social-media content. The resulting tool was acilos, and due to Omnibond's commitment to the Open Source community, the company decided to share acilos with the rest of the world. Now acilos' source is fully accessible and open for contributors to help develop the next levels of personal social interaction and to add their preferred social-media accounts. acilos is available at GitHub, Amazon Web Services and the application's Web site.