Charles E. Spurgeon and Joann Zimmerman's <em>Ethernet: The Definitive Guide</em>, 2nd edition (O'Reilly Media)

The updated 2nd edition to Charles E. Spurgeon and Joann Zimmerman's Ethernet: The Definitive Guide is classic O'Reilly—practical, to the point, with the quintessential animal on the cover. In Ethernet, readers discover what it takes to build, manage and scale Ethernet LANs, from basic Ethernet operation to network management. Further, they'll learn the answers to common questions, such as "What can I do to make sure that my Ethernet network works as well as possible?" "When do I need to upgrade to higher speed Ethernet, and how do I do that?" "How do Ethernet switches work, and how can I use them to build larger networks?" "How can I manage the network, what problems should I be looking for, and how can I troubleshoot the system when problems arise?" This thoroughly revised 2nd edition includes descriptions of the most widely used Ethernet media systems, including 10, 40 and 100 Gigabit Ethernet, as well as a complete glossary of terms used throughout the book and a resource list.