Erica Sadun and Steve Sande's Pitch Perfect: The Art of Promoting Your App on the Web (Addison-Wesley)

You're about to pour your heart, soul, skill...and savings, into creating the next big app. How will anyone know how awesome it is? Authors Erica Sadun and Steve Sande are veteran tech bloggers who have seen countless marketing successes and failures in the app world firsthand. Their new Addison-Wesley book Pitch Perfect: The Art of Promoting Your App on the Web is a guide to success with your new app. The book provides an "in" with popular blogs to get those make-or-break product reviews and features extensive tutorials on how to develop short-and-sweet pitches that capture attention. It also offers tips on how to avoid Inbox deletion, how to keep tech bloggers in the loop during the development process and how to maintain good relations with the public and the press.