Wireload Inc.'s YippieMove API

With the release of the new YippieMove API, Wireload Inc.'s YippieMove is upgrading itself from e-mail migration service to e-mail migration solution provider. Since its inception, YippieMove has been actively slaying the beasts involved in moving e-mail history between different e-mail vendors. With the release of the YippieMove API, YippieMove is aiming to become the go-to e-mail migration service for vendors to integrate with. The move opens up a new market for third-party software developers and enables e-mail vendors and ISPs to create fully automatic inbound e-mail migrations for new accounts. Vendors or ISPs potentially could add a simple step to their sign-up process that would enable users to bring over their e-mail archives from any provider or solution to the newly created account in just a few clicks. The custom-built technology has been built from scratch and perfected by YippieMove during the past four years.
