While text editors typically show a scant few lines of code, the upgraded CodeSonar and its new architecture visualization system from GrammaTech, Inc., scales to millions of lines of code. The new system tackles the growing complexity of large software systems, allowing developers to test and analyze the interrelationships between elements of source code via visual inspection and analysis of their software. Real-time, fluid transitions allow for the visualization of massive data sets at a wide range of levels of abstraction. GrammaTech says that CodeSonar goes beyond what is offered in other visualization tools, which are effective at displaying small-scale parts of the program structure, such as fragments of class hierarchies and subsets of the call graph. CodeSonar, says the company, is unique in its ability to show whole-program structures as well as deal with complexity found in certain smaller projects. CodeSonar visualization runs through a standard Web client, such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Microsoft Internet Explorer.