
The Mason home page, from which you can download the latest version of Mason (and Mason-CM), subscribe to the e-mail list and read through documentation, is at

Philip Greenspun, whose book Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing remains an excellent discussion of how to build web-based services, has written an article on the use of CVS and the Web. A large part of the article answers the question, “How can I take advantage of version control along if my application uses a database?” While this is not directly related to Mason-CM, it is excellent food for thought. You can read it at

Two other good articles on the topic of CVS and web development are at and

You can retrieve all the Perl modules required for use of Mason-CM from CPAN (the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network), a distributed network of FTP sites. Find the CPAN mirror nearest you by going to Alternately, use, which comes with every version of Perl.