Listing 3. Script for diald Management
# description: Starts and stops the diald
# diald-on-demand process
# Marcel Gagné - Salmar Consulting Inc.
# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting diald process: "
echo "Done!"
echo -n "Shutting down diald : "
kill 'pidof -s diald'
echo "Waiting 2 seconds for process to \
shut down ..."
sleep 2
kill 'pidof -s diald'
ps ax | grep diald | grep -v grep |
grep -v control
echo "Done!"
echo "Restarting /usr/sbin/diald process: "
kill 'pidof -s diald'
echo "Waiting 2 seconds for process to \
shut down ..."
sleep 2
echo "Done!"
echo -n "Preparing to receive a single fax:"
kill 'pidof -s diald'
echo "Waiting 2 seconds for process to \
shut down ..."
sleep 2
/sbin/mgetty /dev/ttyS0 < /dev/null &
echo "starting mgetty on port ttyS0..."
echo "Done!"
echo "Usage: diald.control \
exit 1