Subscribe and Win an IPad Mini (you heard us right)

by LJ Staff

Here at Linux Journal, we accept all geeks. Whether you're a Windows addict or a Mac-head, Linux doesn't discriminate, and neither do we.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

(Plus, we get a certain perverse pleasure knowing an iPad will be used to read a magazine about Linux and Open Source.)

Subscribe Now and save $10 off the regular subscription rate, and you could win your choice of a Nexus 10 or an iPad Mini. If you choose the latter, we won't judge, and we won't tell.

The subscription contest expires November 14, 2013, at 11:59 PM CST. The winner will be notified via email November 15, 2013.

Subscribe Now

NOTE: offering the iPad Mini is in response to an overwhelming number of requests from you, our readers, that we include an iPad in our subscription contests. (Well at least it's not a Surface tablet.)