Mike and Tux, sitting in a tree...

by Doc Searls

Michael Dell Runs Ubuntu, Jim Thompson reports. Sure 'nuff:

The key excerpt...

Comes now an interesting announcement, of sorts, on the Dell website:

"What kind of computer does Michael Dell use?"


Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

VMWare Workstation 6 Beta

OpenOffice.org 2.2



Evolution Groupware 2.10

note that the M90 model is not listed on the "all Dell Notebooks" page, nor on the
"Dell Open-Source Notebooks" page. but it does appear here.

People swore that Dell would never ship anything but Intel CPUs and Microsoft software. The AMD CPUs appeared last year, looks like Microsoft isn't going steady with Dell anymore, either. Conspicious by its absence is Windows Vista, according to the website, Mr. Dell doesn't run Vista on ANY of his machines.

How much and now soon will the details change in the Michael's Computers frame on the executive bio page? (If at all?) Place your bets.

Meanwhile, here's some good advice for Dell and all the other hardware system makers out there.

And here's Jim's earlier called-it-right post on the matter of Dell and Linux.