Q. In what formats are Linux Journal available?
A. Available in PDF, EPUB and MOBI formats, each monthly issue of the magazine is laid out in a way that is optimized for digital viewing. Paid subscribers also have full access to our entire back issue collection of magazines in HTML format (nearly 290 issues).
Q. How can I subscribe?
A. Subscribe at https://www.linuxjournal.com/subscribe.
Q. How much is a subscription?
A. $34.50 for a one-year, 12-issue subscription. Because we have a better grasp of magazine economics since our rebirth, we have increased the price (as gently as possible) to ensure the continued success of Linux Journal. The upside: each issue is much longer than you previously came to expect and will include a Deep Dive section within the pages. More Linux Journal all around!
Q. I previously had an iTunes app subscription to Linux Journal. What happened to that?
A. Apple does not provide publishers with subscriber contact information so we are a bit in the dark here. In fact, it's one of the reasons we no longer distribute through iTunes going forward. But, don't worry: simply contact us, subs@linuxjournal.com, with a copy of your iTunes receipt, and we’ll reactivate your subscription to our other digital offerings. And if you can’t find your receipt, still contact us. We will be happy to help you.
Q. No more apps?
A. No more apps-- no more proprietary anything. We hope you'll instead now enjoy our redesigned, responsive web site on your mobile devices. New articles are posted to the site daily.
Q. How do I access the digital archive?
A. Subscribers can log in to our digital archive dating back to April 2005 at https://www.linuxjournal.com/digital. From this link subscribers also get access to the entire HTML archive of Linux Journals dating back to 1994!
Q. How do I contact customer service?
A. Email subs@linuxjournal.com or call 1-818-487-2089.
Q. I want to write for Linux Journal. Where do I start?
A. We are always excited to welcome new authors and ideas. Send your proposal or article idea to ljeditor@linuxjournal.com.
Q. I want to advertise in or sponsor Linux Journal.
A. Nothing will flatter a Linux brand more than sponsoring Linux Journal.
We’ve been the premier Linux publication since we started in 1994. Now, with a new owner and a green light to become better than ever, we are growing by hundreds of paying subscribers per month. And that’s on top of our Web traffic, which runs ~700,000 per month and is also increasing steadily.
One reason those numbers increase is that we are the world’s first publication committed both to not tracking readers, and to valuing readers who are tracking-protected and therefore can’t be measured by tracking-based analytics.
Our readers not only reject tracking, but they explicitly invite high-value advertising that sponsors the publisher and values its readers. This is new and unique in online publishing, and just one example of our pioneering work here at Linux Journal.
Contact Publisher Carlie Fairchild, publisher@linuxjournal.com, to discuss how your company will benefit from sponsoring Linux Journal