by Shawn Powers

UPDATE #2: The contest is now over. Thanks to everyone for participating. We'll be notifying winners early the week of March 16th. (BTW, the answer was "Kernel Panic")

No, my hand really isn't as big as my head.  It's called perspective, people.  If my hand WAS that big, it'd be kinda cool.  But only at first.  Glove buying would suck.UPDATE: Now with hot clue action! (See the bottom of this post)

No really, I do. I want everyone to have a subscription to Linux Journal. Well, you can get a year subscription to the digital version absolutely free. FREE. No strings attached. All you have to do is solve a puzzle and fill out a form. And puzzles are fun, so it's like 2 gifts in one. :)

You have to watch videos to find the clues, but they're short videos, so it shouldn't be too painful. Here I'll even give you links to each video. See, now it's like three gifts in one. I just give and give and give...

Video 1 (the video includes instructions on what to do)
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5 -- this is just me telling you how to claim your prize.

The contest is for TODAY ONLY!!!! So don't delay, or it's like getting zero gifts. ;)

CLUE 1: The letters unscramble to form 2 separate words, which once unscrambled are clearly Linux related. If you still can't unscramble them, come back this evening around 10PM EDT, and I'll give you one last clue. The 10PM clue will make it super easy. (I TOLD you I wanted everyone to have a subscription!)

CLUE 2: Ok, 2 hours to go before it's over. Don't panic or anything. Let's take the scientific approach that others in the comment thread have taken. I'm fairly certain there are online tools for making anagrams, etc. If a person were to put the collected letters into such a beast -- they'd be certain to generate the 2 words that are very Linux related.

(And if you can't figure it out? Guess!!! Who knows what might happen. :)