Google and Open Source

by Doc Searls

It's possible that Google may be the largest open source-based company on Earth. I'm guessing at that, and I might be wrong. Several years ago, in a conversation at Google with some of their honchos, one of them told me Google's plan was to have over a million servers behind its search service, all running on LInux. I don't know if that's come to pass yet. Or if it matters, frankly. But it's crossing my mind as I get ready to talk tomorrow (or soon thereafter) with Google's chief open source guru (technically, Open Source Project Manager), Chris DiBona.

The occasion is this announcement (and others like it, sure to come along).

If any of ya'll have some questions you'd like me to ask Chris, put them below, or send me pointers to wherever you've posted them (your own blog or publication, for example).