Embedded in CES

by Doc Searls

More and more hot new hardware runs on cool and stable Linux, plus a growing abundance of open source building materials. Since relatively few open source components are graced with publicity ambitions (much less departments), they tend not to make themselves obvious. Meaning that reporters like yours truly need to go hunting for them.

So I'd like your help. I'm here at the Consumer Electronics Show — CES — in Las Vegas, getting ready to launch out onto the trade show floors to see What's Up with Linux amongst the 2,700 exhibitors spread across 1.7 million square feet of exhibit space.

To do that, put pointers in the comments below, or send me an email at doc AT searls.com. Include CES in the subject line. I'l check as often as I can.

For background, here's one report from one year ago. For more, search for CES in the search box to the top right there. Or look here.

Look forward to seeing (at least some of) you here.