Amateur Radio Articles and Newsletter

by David Lane
Amateur Radio and Linux

For those that have been waiting patiently for the Amateur Radio articles from the January 2010 edition to be available on line, your wait is over! You will find a permanent link to them in the Linux Journal Virtual Ham Shack, but for your convenience, I will put them here too:

An Amateur Radio Survival Guide for Linux Users, written by Dan Smith.

Rolling Your Own with Digital Amateur Radio, written by Gary L. Robinson, focusing on FLDigi.

Xastir, written by Curtis E. Mills, Steve Stroh and Laura Shaffer Mills. Xastir is the Open Source APRS client software.

My personal thanks to each of these authors, as well as those who submitted articles for consideration. We had a very small window of opportunity and I am just thrilled with the participation. I hope to give you a little more lead time next time.

And speaking of next time, if you are a Linux Journal subscriber, you might have noticed a new link in the enewsletters. Specifically: Linux Journal Hamshack -- When all else fails — amateur radio, the original Open-Source project. Sent monthly. If you are as excited by this as I am, great, because there is one small, logistical issue that needs to be overcome...I have not got the first clue as to what our content will be, what we will highlight or when the first one will go out (I would like think I can do it for the end of February).

So, here is your chance! Get in on the ground floor. Put forward your comments! Please! Otherwise I might have to give up radio on a newsletter!

But seriously. This is a great opportunity to share the wealth and promote the hobby and what we are doing with Open Source. So speak up, send me your ideas and let's see if we can make this the best darned source of information for both the communities! So tell your friends! Tell your clubs! And I will see what I can do about getting the first issue into your hands soonest!